Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "@ the Movies 2018" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
18 Feb 2018 – @ the Movies, Get Out, Thomas Anderson
Key Question - How do we move from darkness into the marvelous path of God's light?
Key Question - How do we move from darkness into the marvelous path of God's light?
25 Feb 2018 –@ the Movies, SpiderMan Homecoming, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: How in the heck do people really grow up?
Key Question: How in the heck do people really grow up?
4 Mar 2018 – @ the Movies, Wonder Woman, E Reiss & Emily Lawyer
Key Question - How do we have hope after our dreams for life fall apart?
Key Question - How do we have hope after our dreams for life fall apart?