Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "Beautiful Design" Series.
Beautiful Design 1, Apr 3rd, 2016, Dwaine Darrah
Is it just me, or has the sexual revolution failed to solve our problems and made things more confusing?
Is it just me, or has the sexual revolution failed to solve our problems and made things more confusing?
Beautiful Design 2, Apr 10th, 2016, Dwaine Darrah
I know people who are closer to their pets than people--I guess that's ok, isn't it?
I know people who are closer to their pets than people--I guess that's ok, isn't it?
Beautiful Design 3, Apr 17th 2016, E Reiss
Men and women clearly don't look the same, so were they created or did they evolve with different roles?
Men and women clearly don't look the same, so were they created or did they evolve with different roles?
Beautiful Design 4, Apr 24th, 2016, Dwaine Darrah
Why are some men such jerks?
Why are some men such jerks?
Beautiful Design 5, May 1st, 2016, Dwaine Darrah
As a woman, I am pulled in a thousand different directions and still wonder if I'm missing my purpose for being--got any advice?
As a woman, I am pulled in a thousand different directions and still wonder if I'm missing my purpose for being--got any advice?
Beautiful Design 6, May 8th, Dwaine Darrah
I'm trying to be the woman my culture tells me I should be, so why is the going so hard?
I'm trying to be the woman my culture tells me I should be, so why is the going so hard?
Beautiful Design 7, May 15th, 2016, E Reiss
In most of the relationships I know, men and women are competing to get what they want--is this as good as it gets?
In most of the relationships I know, men and women are competing to get what they want--is this as good as it gets?