Click on a link below to listen (or watch) a segment of "The Big Inning" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
Introduction, January 12th: Dwaine Darrah
Ok, when God writes, does he follow the same rules we have to, such as having a plot, for Pete's sake? ?
Ok, when God writes, does he follow the same rules we have to, such as having a plot, for Pete's sake? ?
Beginning of Life, January 19th: Dwaine Darrah
If God made the world, did the warranty run out or what, because it sure seems like something's defective? ?
If God made the world, did the warranty run out or what, because it sure seems like something's defective? ?
God Builds a Nation, January 26th: Dwaine Darrah
If God is so smart, why is He using such inferior materials to build things? (That's right, I'm talking about you wacky Christians.)
If God is so smart, why is He using such inferior materials to build things? (That's right, I'm talking about you wacky Christians.)
Joseph, February 2nd: E Reiss
We know that violence isn't the answer, but you can still punch your brother in the throat, right? Right?
We know that violence isn't the answer, but you can still punch your brother in the throat, right? Right?