Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "BROKEN" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
23 April 2017 – Broken One, Dwaine Darrah
Why might God just leaving me alone to do my thing be really bad news?
Why might God just leaving me alone to do my thing be really bad news?
30 April 2017 – Broken Two, Dwaine Darrah
If I’m just living a better life than most everyone else, then me and God are good, right?
If I’m just living a better life than most everyone else, then me and God are good, right?
7 May 2017 – Broken Three, Dwaine Darrah
How much weight do my church membership, baptism, communion, confession and the life carry in terms of my relationship with God?
How much weight do my church membership, baptism, communion, confession and the life carry in terms of my relationship with God?
11 June 2017 – Broken Four, Dwaine Darrah
Somebody just tell me the things I have to do right to be ok with God?
Somebody just tell me the things I have to do right to be ok with God?
18 June 2017 – Broken Five, Dwaine Darrah
If we can’t be good enough to please God, how does anyone get to heaven?
If we can’t be good enough to please God, how does anyone get to heaven?
25 June 2017 – Broken Six, Dwaine Darrah
How much can I feel good about myself for being a Christian?
How much can I feel good about myself for being a Christian?
2 July 2017 – Broken Seven, Dwaine Darrah
Isn’t this faith in Jesus thing just some new fad?
Isn’t this faith in Jesus thing just some new fad?