Click on a link below to listen (or watch) a segment of our "Dragnet" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
FAQs 1, December 8th: Dwaine Darrah
Why should I trust the Bible?
Why should I trust the Bible?
FAQs 2, December 15th: Dwaine Darrah
Isn't the Bible just a bunch of myths and propaganda?
Isn't the Bible just a bunch of myths and propaganda?
Christmas Message, December 22nd: Dwaine Darrah
What does living large look like?
What does living large look like?
FAQs 3, December 29th: Dwaine Darrah
How can you believe the Bible when science has disproved it?
How can you believe the Bible when science has disproved it?
FAQs 4, January 5th: E Reiss
Isn't the Bible old, archaic, hard to understand and not relevant to my life?
Isn't the Bible old, archaic, hard to understand and not relevant to my life?