Kick off the Surge, Jan 1, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Welcome to the Surge! Ephesians 1, Backdrop to Ephesians, Jan 8, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
What happens when Jesus collides with the world? Ephesians 2, Destiny's Child, Jan 15, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Are you here as a mere biological accident or do you have a destiny? Ephesians 3, The In Crowd, Jan 22, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Isn't Christianity a set of rules to encourage us to behave better? Ephesians 4, Here's Hoping, Jan 29, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Does a relationship with God mean waiting for the hammer to drop when we screw up? Ephesians 5, Kinda Like Zombies, Feb 5, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Why are Christians often arrogant jerks? |
Ephesians 6, Senator I Don't Recall 1, Feb 12, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Can remembering you were once a knucklehead help when you hit the lotto? Ephesians 7, Senator I Don't Recall 2, Feb 19, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
What does God really think about us? Ephesians 8, God the Construction Foreman, Feb 26, 2012: E. Reiss
What tools does God use to build for us a solid foundation? Ephesians 9, God the UPS Man, Mar 4, 2012: Dwaine Darrah
Am I just a little too messed up for God to accept me? God the UPS Man, Video: Dwaine DarrahEphesians 10, God the Family Man, Mar 11, 2012: E Reiss
What am I signing on for to be a part of God's family? |