Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "MORE" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
14 May 2017 – More One, E Reiss
Isn't there enough narcissism in the world without me acting like destiny and circumstance all revolves around me and self-discovery?
Isn't there enough narcissism in the world without me acting like destiny and circumstance all revolves around me and self-discovery?
21 May 2017 – More Two: BE, Dwaine Darrah
Who am I - and how does my identity fit into the big picture of calling?
Who am I - and how does my identity fit into the big picture of calling?
28 May 2017 – More Three: DO, E Reiss
“To be is to do”—Socrates. “To do is to be”—Jean-Paul Sartre. “Do be do be do”—Frank Sinatra. How do Being and Doing inter-relate?
“To be is to do”—Socrates. “To do is to be”—Jean-Paul Sartre. “Do be do be do”—Frank Sinatra. How do Being and Doing inter-relate?
4 June 2017 – More Four, E Reiss
Are you trying to trick me into moving to Sri Lanka again?
Are you trying to trick me into moving to Sri Lanka again?