Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "Perfect Fit" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
10 Mar 2019 - Perfect Fit One, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: What are Christians to be known for?
Key Question: What are Christians to be known for?
17 Mar 2019 - Perfect Fit Two, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: What would really happen if we took Jesus seriously?
Key Question: What would really happen if we took Jesus seriously?
24 March 2019 - Perfect Fit Three, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: How do we handle disagreements in church?
Key Question: How do we handle disagreements in church?
31 March 2019 - Perfect Fit Four, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: How do we distinguish issues that are not worth disagreeing over from those that are?
Key Question: How do we distinguish issues that are not worth disagreeing over from those that are?
7 April 2019 - Perfect Fit Five, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: As a Christian, can you tell me why you do what you do?
Key Question: As a Christian, can you tell me why you do what you do?
14 April 2019 - Perfect Fit Six, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: How should a Christian handle things when life throws him wicked curve-ball?
Key Question: How should a Christian handle things when life throws him wicked curve-ball?
21 April 2019 - Easter Sunday, E Reiss
Key Question: What can we learn from the truth of the Resurrection?
Key Question: What can we learn from the truth of the Resurrection?
28 April 2019 - Perfect Fit Seven, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: Isn't my faith in Jesus really just a personal relationship between me and Him?
Key Question: Isn't my faith in Jesus really just a personal relationship between me and Him?
5 May 2019 - Perfect Fit Eight, Dwaine Darrah
Key Question: Are there truths of the Christian faith worth dying on the hill for?
Key Question: Are there truths of the Christian faith worth dying on the hill for?