Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "Proof of LIfe" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
10 Sept 2017 – Proof of Life One, Dwaine Darrah
If my church baptized me as an infant, does that make me good to go with God?
If my church baptized me as an infant, does that make me good to go with God?
17 Sept 2017 – Proof of Life Two, Dwaine Darrah
Is it true that the only things that are certain are death and taxes?
Is it true that the only things that are certain are death and taxes?
24 Sept 2017 – Proof of Life Three, E Reiss
Isn’t faith just buying into something for no good reason?
Isn’t faith just buying into something for no good reason?
1 Oct 2017 – Proof of Life Four, Dwaine Darrah
If God has truly saved you, can you undo that by being bad?
If God has truly saved you, can you undo that by being bad?