Click on a link below to listen (or watch) a segment of our Toxic Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
Toxic: Thoughts Dec 30th: Dwaine Darrah
Is it true that it's the thought that counts? Toxic: Influences Jan 6th: E Reiss
Can’t we all agree that it’s ok if I’m not hurting anyone else? |
Toxic: Relationships Jan13th: Dwaine Darrah
Are you what you hang with? Toxic: Words Jan 20th: Dwaine Darrah
Why is it that sticks and stones can break my bones but words can still feel like a sledgehammer to the side of the head? |
Toxic: Religion Jan 27th: Dwaine Darrah
Was Jon Stewart right when he said, “Religion. It’s given hope in a world torn apart by religion?”
Was Jon Stewart right when he said, “Religion. It’s given hope in a world torn apart by religion?”