Click on a link below to watch a segment of our "Twisted" Series.
Messages will be added weekly, as they occur.
9 July 2017 – Twisted One, Ask Anything, E Reiss
Jesus said that if I ask for anything in his name, he’d give it to me, so where’s my new car?
Jesus said that if I ask for anything in his name, he’d give it to me, so where’s my new car?
16 July 2017 – Twisted Two, Judge Not!, E Reiss
If Jesus said it’s wrong to judge people, why are our prisons full?
If Jesus said it’s wrong to judge people, why are our prisons full?
23 July 2017 – Twisted Three, Plans to Prosper, Dwaine Darrah
If God has plans to prosper me, why am I struggling to pay the rent?
If God has plans to prosper me, why am I struggling to pay the rent?
30 July 2017 – Twisted Four, The Root of All Evil, Dwaine Darrah
If money is the root of all evil, how do we survive without it?
If money is the root of all evil, how do we survive without it?