We meet Sundays at 11:10am at The State Theatre in Falls Church (220 N. Washington Street).
Parking is available at The Theatre, across the street and in the Kaiser Permanente Garage (marked in blue, below, on the right).
Join us this weekend!
Parking is available at The Theatre, across the street and in the Kaiser Permanente Garage (marked in blue, below, on the right).
Join us this weekend!
Why Meet at The State Theatre?
That's a good question.
We want our weekly gatherings to be welcoming for people who wouldn't normally come to a church service. To facilitate that, we try to approach things a little bit differently.
Please don't misunderstand, we're a fan of church and think that meetings of all stripe and style are a good thing (we wish there were more of them)!
At the same time, we understand that many people have an idea of "church service" that can actually be a roadblock to exploring a connection with God. Meeting at the State Theatre is one way we can take a different approach. By meeting in a local concert venue, we come together in a place that is familiar (and loved) by thousands of people in our area.
Plus, if a lot of what you do on a Sunday morning is singing and speaking, why not do that in a room with a wonderful equipment and renovation that make it as acoustically perfect as possible?
We believe that God loves us, He loves the people in our area greatly and wants to speak to us all. Without compromising the essence of the message, we strive to make the "how" of what we do as friendly and as culturally relevant as possible.
In that context, meeting in the State Theatre makes a lot of sense.
We hope you'll join us. Bring your family and friends! Come experience a great room, with a great group of people who will love to meet you... and take this opportunity to meet an even greater God, Who is waiting for you with open arms.
Join us this week!
Sundays, 11:10am @ The State Theatre
We want our weekly gatherings to be welcoming for people who wouldn't normally come to a church service. To facilitate that, we try to approach things a little bit differently.
Please don't misunderstand, we're a fan of church and think that meetings of all stripe and style are a good thing (we wish there were more of them)!
At the same time, we understand that many people have an idea of "church service" that can actually be a roadblock to exploring a connection with God. Meeting at the State Theatre is one way we can take a different approach. By meeting in a local concert venue, we come together in a place that is familiar (and loved) by thousands of people in our area.
Plus, if a lot of what you do on a Sunday morning is singing and speaking, why not do that in a room with a wonderful equipment and renovation that make it as acoustically perfect as possible?
We believe that God loves us, He loves the people in our area greatly and wants to speak to us all. Without compromising the essence of the message, we strive to make the "how" of what we do as friendly and as culturally relevant as possible.
In that context, meeting in the State Theatre makes a lot of sense.
We hope you'll join us. Bring your family and friends! Come experience a great room, with a great group of people who will love to meet you... and take this opportunity to meet an even greater God, Who is waiting for you with open arms.
Join us this week!
Sundays, 11:10am @ The State Theatre