"Incline your ear, and come to me: hear, that your soul shall live." Isaiah 55:3
It’s easy for me to be here, surrounded by 18-22 year olds, and not find myself consumed with other voices besides that of the Lord. The voices of the world, the one’s of my peers that I hear every day on the way to class, the one’s that talk about identities in GPA’s and identities in cheap beer – those voices are louder sometimes. They yell. They hurt my ears and they hurt my heart. God’s voice is different. His voice is quiet – it’s faithful, it’s constant, it’s steadfast, but it whispers. I can’t hear it at all sometimes, until I listen close. I have to tune out all the other shouting. But as soon as I do, I catch His whisper, and it stills my soul. Just like that and I’m still. My fellowship here, Chi Alpha, strives to be a light on my campus. We seek to eliminate the shadows at UVa. If you have the chance, can I ask you to pray for college students today? There are so many here that can’t hear God’s whisper. He’s pushed aside; He’s not listened to. But He’s speaking and He has great news to proclaim. Pray that His voice would be shouted from rooftops, especially during this season of Advent. And that I can do what I’m called to do, to listen to His whisper and to tell everyone about it. - Amanda
1 Comment
Karen Reiss
12/28/2012 02:45:56 am
Thank you Amanda-how beautifully said. There are so many voices and in college they scream and shout. We will pray for your sharing of the peaceful whisper of God.
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