This week it's about God Building a Nation... talking about Father Abraham! It's the Big Inning series...
It's Story Chapter 2 for folks reading along, it's not too late to jump in! Talking about God doing his thing starting with Abraham and branching out from there... our special music is I Will Wait - and if there is more fun song on the radio to sing along to, I don't know what that would be. Giving statements have gone out for taxes... thanks again for all you do! Please pray for wisdom with ongoing stuff with sale of the building - we want God's will to be Extra Clear! Our next series will be At the Movies - going to be very, very fun, leading into the Oscars... and as part of that on: Feb 12th we'll have a Pizza Night! We'll be showing the movie 42 at the Barn. We'll set up food to deliver around 6:30, movie to start at 7... just an informal time of getting together, eating pizza, watching a good show. Child care will be provided! So plan to bring a friend... Wednesday night, Feb 12th. That following Saturday, E will be officially ordained as a minister... Feb 15th, we'll send details, but would love for all of you to come and be a part of that - it's going to be a good thing. Next week, Story, Chapter 3, and E will be talking about Joseph and why it might be ok to punch your brother.
We're getting into our Big Inning series, talking about the Beginning of Life this morning...
Our special music is by Paramore, Still into You. Giving statements are going out... let us know if you need anything or have any questions here... thanks a ton for your generosity. Remember that you can give online, or offering boxes are in the back! We have a couple of new small groups starting up, so if you're looking to connect, now is a great time. Grab Emily or Dwaine for more information. If you haven't picked up a copy of the Story, please do that today. We're asking for a suggested donation of $5... but it's more important than everyone have a copy! So pick one up! Next week is Chapter Two of the Story, talking about God building a Nation... don't miss it! See you soon! ~The Surge Good morning Surgeons!
We're kicking off our first message series in our Story arc... with The Big Inning. Today Dwaine will be walking us through an overview of where we're going, with a introduction and some good stuff to consider as we begin. Special music today is "At Last" by the great Etta James. There is NO get-together this Saturday night at the Barn, we normally do a concert or song-circle with SAW, but not this weekend. We'll reset for February. It's not too late to get your copy of The Story, we have books here, $5 a piece and we'll be launching into the first chapter this week! If you haven't seen it, the new website is Beautiful. Check it out at Continuing the Big Inning next week, looks like creation is up, so bring someone new to enjoy a great beginning! ~The Surge Happy New Year Everyone!
We're finishing up Dragnet, with a very peculiar service, on How to Read Well. It's going to be an interactive experience that will be unlike anything you've seen done in a church, at least recently :) Small groups are starting up again in January, so talk to Emily and she'll get you connected! Also, check out the website at - it's undergone some renovations and our tech team is doing good things! In 2014 we'll be going through the Bible via a recent book published called, The Story. It tells the Story of Scripture in chronological order and we have copies available this weekend! Please keep us in prayer... that God would continue to lead the Surge to be everything He wants it to be. Next week we kick off The Big Inning, our first Story series... with an Introduction and Dwaine will talk to us about where we're going this next year. Take care, stay warm and we'll see you soon! ~The Surge |
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August 2016
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